Tiger Task Force

Tiger Task Force

One of the many ways that TNS engages families in our school is through our Tiger Task Force. If you are not familiar with Tiger Task Force, it is our TNS-version of the Watch D.O.G.S. program that many of you already may have heard about or participated in previously.









Register for Tiger Task Force

The main goal of Tiger Task Force is to focus on bringing in male family members and role models into our school, since historically, father figures have not been as involved in schools as mother figures. We do allow mother figures (such as mothers, female guardians, and grandmothers) to participate in our Tiger Task Force. 

Instead of coming in a little bit every day, this program is meant for signing up for a full day, even if that means only one time per year. When you sign up for a day, you agree to work the full day from 7:45 am to 3:00 pm.

Please sign up for no more than two slots at this time so that we can get as many others involved as possible. Dates for sign-up begin in the second quarter. 

Use the TNS Tiger Task Force SignUpGenius Link to register. 


Tiger Task Force Daily Routine

Tiger Task Force members should arrive by 7:45 am and check in at the main office. They will sign in using our Raptor Security System. We will provide a black Tiger Task Force t-shirt and give parents a location to change so they can wear it during the school day. The office will provide a personalized schedule for the day and a school map. The schedule will be personalized so that you have a lot of quality time with your child(ren) but also help with things like perimeter checks, recess, and arrival/dismissal. Parents involved in this program must follow school-provided expectations, such as not being left alone with students, keeping staff and student-specific information and observations confidential, and acting in a professional and positive manner. 


Background of Program

The TNS Tiger Task Force Program is another way for fathers and father figures to be more involved and invested in our school. The program is all about bringing in additional positive male role models, which many of our students may not have at home and desperately need in their lives. Also, most of our staff, especially at the elementary level are female. The background behind the Watch D.O.G.S. program states the following purpose:

"The Dads of Great Students WATCH D.O.G.S. program is one of the nation’s largest and most respected school-based, family, and community engagement, organizations designed and developed by educators, experts and parent & guardian volunteers over more than two decades. Our programs for Elementary and Secondary School campuses help provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. Meanwhile, we provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security, reduce bullying and provide a greater sense of campus safety allowing students and teachers to focus on learning and instruction." Learn more background on this here: https://dadsofgreatstudents.com/about/.