English Learners
The Nokesville School provides services to eligible students for the English Learners program.
English Learners (EL) Contact
Mr. Geoff Brunson, TNS Assistant Principal, is the school lead for the EL program. His role is to lead, organize, and support students, teachers, and programs for English Learners services at The Nokesville School. Contact Mr. Brunson via email at [email protected] or via phone at (571) 781-3040.
English Learner Program
PWCS provides a program of language instruction at each K-12 school in supportive settings so that ELs attain proficiency in English and meet the same challenging academic content and student achievement standards as other students. Components of instruction include:
- Academic language instruction to students at English Language Proficiency (ELP) levels 1-5 for success in language arts, math, social studies, and science;
- Delivery styles to maximize service opportunities: Co-taught, push-in, pull-out, inclusion, and EL-Only class; and
- Support from ESL-certified teachers and content teachers knowledgeable in techniques which support English language development (ELD).
The PWCS Student Opportunity And Multilingual Services Department (SOMSD) provides guidance on the EL program, services, and supports. Learn more about the SOMSD website.
Global Welcome Center
New students to PWCS and TNS may be helped through the PWCS Global Welcome Center. The Global Welcome Center conducts English proficiency assessments and registrations for students who speak and/or understand another language in addition, or instead of, English. Learn more about how to contact and schedule an appointment on the Global Welcome Center website.
Translation Services
PWCS offers free language assistance to parents. We provide access to professional interpreters, to help our families understand important information about their child's education. We also provide translations of many of our important documents and information. Find contact phone numbers and online services for translations on the PWCS Translations website.